Friday, October 1, 2010

Caring for Underweight Seniors

These days there is a strong focus on obesity while less attention is paid to the surprising number of malnourished elderly people in America. According to researchers, about 20 percent of elderly people consume less than half of their calorie needs. Malnutrition can weaken the immune system, and it can cause falls, anemia, skin ulcers, confusion and more.

Does the Fredericksburg region offer adequate resources and/or assistance that address health issues for the elderly and their families?

Join the conversation - we need your input!

There are several ways you can provide your thoughts and input on these important questions.

1. Post your thoughts or a brief response below here (just click on "Comment")

2. Register to complete our online survey about aspirations and goals for Health (16 questions, takes about 10 minutes) ...we also will ask you about aspirations and goals for Education and Income.

3. Or, if you'd rather not complete the full survey, submit your thoughts in this brief online form (8 questions, takes about 5 minutes.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Fredericksburg area does have a lot of programs that help to feed senior citizens and make sure they have enough food to be healthy. One problem could be that a lot of senior citizens may not know about the availability of these programs. I wonder if there is a way to map out where these senior citizens are living and directly target them with educational information and information about available food assistance programs.